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Google For Non-Profits FAQ

Google for Nonprofits FAQ

To help your nonprofit learn more about Google for Nonprofits and how you can benefit from this program, here are some answers to frequently asked questions:

1. What is Google for Nonprofits?

The Google for Nonprofits Program offers qualified organizations access to free versions of paid Google products and special features designed for nonprofits. These tools can help nonprofits find new donors and volunteers, work more efficiently, and get supporters to take action.

2. What products are included in Google for Nonprofits?

  • Free access to Google Apps. A range of cloud programs you can use for office administration, including Gmail, Google Documents, Spreadsheets, Calendar, Presentations, Forms/Surveys, Calendar, Chat, Drive (a cloud file storage system) and Sites.
  • Google Ad Grants. Receive up to $10,000 of AdWords advertising a month to promote your website on Google.ca through keyword targeting
  • AdWords Express (AWX). Creating an ad is easy. Select your audience, write three lines about your business, and set your budget. AdWords Express automatically manages where and when your ads will appear on Google. No keywords to choose, no ongoing maintenance
  • Premium access to YouTube. Increased uploading capacity, the ability to select custom thumbnail images, and call-to-action overlay on your videos.
  • Free licensing for Google Earth Pro. Create a custom map of your project sites in 10-minutes with Google Maps, create a narrative Google Earth movie and make it available on YouTube, collect data in the field with Android devices and Open Data Kit and map your data

>> Learn more about each of the nonprofit offerings on the Google for Nonprofits site

3. How do I access Google for Nonprofits?

If you are not a member of TechSoup Canada, you’ll need to register with TechSoup Canada and get validated before you can apply for Google for Nonprofits. Click here for more details on how to register with TechSoup Canada.
If you are currently a member of TechSoup Canada, you’ll need to create/log into a Google Account.

Next, go to Google for Nonprofits, enter your validation token*.

*You can find your organization’s validation token by logging into your TechSoup Canada account then clicking the tab that says “Validation Token”. A validation token looks something like this: 123a4567@1b234c5de6789000.

The system will perform a search of your organization. If you do not find your organization, click on the drop-down “I don’t see my organization” and register with TechSoup Canada.

If you find your organization, select it.

Create your account to apply to Google for Nonprofits!

4. Is my organization eligible for Google for Nonprofits?

Please see Google’s eligibility criteria. You will find out whether or not your organization is eligible after you submit your application to Google for Nonprofits.

5. Do I have to be validated with TechSoup Canada to access Google for Nonprofits?

Yes, all Canadian charities and nonprofits must first register with TechSoup Canada. Based on the information and documentation you provide at registration, TechSoup Canada will validate your organization’s legal status and activities.

Once we have validated your organization, you can apply for Google for Nonprofits using your validation token.

>> How to register

6. How long does validation with TechSoup Canada take?

TechSoup Canada will process your application and confirm your TechSoup Canada account within 7-10 business days of receipt of any necessary documents. Expect to receive an email with the subject line “Your organization has been qualified.”

Once your TechSoup Canada account is approved, you can generate validation tokens in your account (under My Account > Validation Token).

7. Why is TechSoup Canada validating Google for Nonprofit organizations?

TechSoup Canada is a member of the TechSoup Global Network, which helps nonprofits in over 60 countries access the technology tools and education they need to better do their mission-critical work. Worldwide, the network works with more than 100 corporations and foundations and provides a trusted process for validating eligible organizations on their behalf.

Since 2009, TechSoup Canada has been validating charities and nonprofits for over 25 technology companies as part of the Technology Donations Program. With new partnerships such as Google for Nonprofits, TechSoup Canada is  excited to expand the ways that we can help Canadian organizations get access to affordable technology.

8. What’s the difference between Google Apps for Business and Google Apps for Nonprofits?

Google Apps for Nonprofits and Google Apps for Business provides access to the same Google products, programs, and support. The only difference is that Google Apps for Nonprofits is free for charities and nonprofits in Canada. See Google’s comparison chart for more details.

9. My organization is currently paying for Google Apps for Business – can I switch?

Yes! Please see Google’s information on how to switch to Google Apps for Nonprofits

10. My charity is already using Google Ad Grants, YouTube for Nonprofits, and/or Google Earth Pro for Nonprofits

Please see Google’s information for existing grantees

11.  I just want Google Ad Grants/AdWords, can I/my consultant sign us up for just that?

Unfortunately no, the donation comes as a single package. You should not have a consultant claim this donation on your behalf. The email address that claims the donation becomes the administrator by default, and this is not something that is easy to change later. Be strategic with your donation – rushing in now could cause big headaches later!

Also, if you’re looking to enroll in Google Ad Grants/AdWords, there’s a very specific process you’ll need to follow in order to skip the billing process. Please refer to Google’s instructional video below or their “AdWords account creation guide for Google Ad Grants“.

As you can see, there are a lot of complexities to the process.  Our team helps guide you through the entire setup and makes sure you maximize the use of your Google Non-Profit registration.  Connect with our team below to get started!




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