Welcome to the second edition of my intern blog where I explain and expand on some thoughts I’ve come across on working with a purpose.
With just over a month under my belt here at SixFive I have come to some conclusions. Whether it’s making ads that help people find resources for dealing with bipolar disorder or helping someone find help to start their dream business, working with nonprofits everyday has its perks.
In the marketing field of work there are many different roads to go down. One could be working for a massive corporation that takes advantage of vulnerable people… or there’s opportunities in marketing to help people and try to make a difference in the world. Working with SixFive has given me the opportunity to do the latter, help organizations that help others.
The fulfillment of working with purpose has many benefits, I love coming to work everyday, helping others gives satisfaction, and creating change through these organizations is rewarding in itself regardless of monetary compensation. If you can find an opportunity to find purpose in your job I highly recommend that you pursue that for the aforementioned benefits.
With only one month of experience here at SixFive I am very excited for my future here and I can’t wait to see where this business will go and the positive impacts we will create.