(519) 854-6565 success@sixfive.co

At the beginning of March 2017, London hosted the IMPACT! Sustainability Conference and I was invited to speak and lead a discussion. On Friday night, we had our traditional wine-down at our home base at Innovation Works and welcomed everyone at the conference.  Our videographer Nicole captured a bunch of footage and edited it up in this groovy jazz-hop mix for you.

On my side, I do a lot of stuff from behind the computer so it is so awesome to speak in front of a group of wonderful, intelligent people.

I led two discussions:

  1. How to Start a Business with No Money
  2. Using Technology for Personal & Professional Success

It was so rewarding to hear from everyone there that they learned so much from my sessions. It was one of those days where it feels like you’ve found your purpose.

Find your purpose and everything gets a lot more fulfilling. I have added links to the Facebook pages of both those organizations below.  Both of them have done so much good work and we can’t be prouder to support them. Have a great week everyone!

Innovation Works London IMPACT! Youth Sustainability Leadership Program



201 King Street

London, Ontario

N6A 1C9

(519) 854-6565


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