(519) 854-6565 success@sixfive.co

Starting From Scratch:

The learning curve of Google AdWords is short and steep, this blog is just trying to demystify the process and help any future interns/ employees.

After acquiring an internship at SixFive, I was quickly introduced to the world of Google AdWords. While overwhelming at first, AdWords can be broken down rather simply into the advertising service offered by Google to display a businesses advertisement as a search result if certain words are used in the search. The specific words that need to be searched in order to display the ads are called keywords, this is what the businesses are paying for. For example, if someone searched for “google grants”, an ad would be at the top of the search results for Six Five because we pay for the “google grants” keywords.

While this is an oversimplified explanation of AdWords it introduces you to part of what we do at SixFive. SixFive offers to create these ads on google and find the keywords that people search for. While SixFive services for-profit businesses, we mainly deal with nonprofits and Google Ad Grants.

Google Ad Grants and SixFive:

Google Ad Grants is a program that offers $10 000 USD in advertising to nonprofit businesses. SixFive uses the grants to give the nonprofits a $10 000 monthly advertising budget for only a fraction of the cost. The monthly budget is strictly for Google ads and Google makes sure their money is being used relatively efficiently. SixFive works with the Google Ad Grant program to give non-profits $10 000 a month in Google advertising, additionally, SixFive creates and monitors the advertisements and KeyWords for these nonprofits.

After my first week here I am hopeful for not only my future at SixFive, but for the future of SixFive as a business. Working at SixFive with nonprofits is fulfilling and the possibilities of reaching out to nonprofits that are unfamiliar with the ad grant program are (almost) limitless.




201 King Street

London, Ontario

N6A 1C9

(519) 854-6565


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