(519) 854-6565 success@sixfive.co

SixFive is so proud to announce that they have been nominated for a Techcellence Community Engagement Award.  TechAlliance has been a massive supporter of our team and we cannot thank them enough for our everything they do not just for us but all companies here in London.

Almost two years ago, I started SixFive with the vision that we would build community engagement into our company from the very start. As we grew, we merged with other talented creators who believe the same thing.  It is an honour to be recognized alongside some tremendous companies.  When I started, many of these companies were ones that I admired and hoped to be like.  Today, it is awesome to see what you can do if you put the work in and create a business that offers strong services while giving back to the community.

SixFive Interactive is nominated for the National Forest Week Campaign in partnership with ReForest London and the City of London.  Our team created and helped deploy posters throughout the parks in London that engaged Londoners both in the city and online. As a result, we reached over 200,000 people and saw Londoners plant more than 3,500 trees that will grow and provide benefits for the community for years to come. You can see the video and more here.

I don’t care if we win. To be recognized among some of the best companies in London is enough. And when we recognize community engagement everyone wins.

We look forward to Techcellence Awards Celebration & Mixer March 30th at Voices.



201 King Street

London, Ontario

N6A 1C9

(519) 854-6565


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