Hello Everyone,
As many of you know, mental health has played a big part in the role of SixFive Interactive. This year, we are so proud to have our talented videographer and advocate Nicole Coenen put together a video with some amazing people who share their own struggles here in London.
Our team is passionate about making an impact and use the revenue we make from our services to fund original, authentic content that we hope can catalyze a change. This is just one of those videos. We hope to do many more.
Today is #BellLetsTalk day, but more than that, just #LetsTalk. Bell is doing a superb job with this movement and we cannot thank them enough for taking a stand on an important issue. But, people’s struggle with mental health is not confined to one day and it is up to us to keep the discussion going.
So, don’t let this end today! And remember, there is more support out there than you can imagine. Have an amazing day everyone.
All the best,
The SixFive Interactive team.